Professional Celebrity Agents vs. Fraudulent Agents

Celebrity Talent International is a professional booking agency dedicated to supplying our clients with the perfect artists, speaker, or entertainer for their event. We recognize that there are individuals in the world who seek to capitalize on companies who may not have experience with booking agencies or booking talent and we are devoted to preventing this corruption. We have personal experience with such scammers and wish to inform any potential buyers about the dangers of these fraudulent businesses who only wish to cheat you out of your money.
Working With Professionals
Celebrity Talent is strictly a booking agency. We do not represent specific artists; therefore we are not focused on pushing particular people for your event. We offer our clients a vast database of talent and are fully involved in the selection process. We work with your needs and your budget to find the most relevant person for your event. And since we work on your behalf, we are focused on getting you the best deal instead of trying to jack the price up for the artist's benefit. Those who request outlandish prices for artists that you know should cost less are most likely scam artists trying to rip you off. We have no interest in such matters because we rely on our client relationships and industry relationships to remain in business.

Scams and con artists exist among legitimate organizations and they are often difficult to weed out. Fortunately there are red flags that, once recognizable, allow buyers to expose fraudulent businesses.
Legitimate businesses will never prematurely ask for money
A scam will insist a deposit is made before any confirmation on your artist is made. Commendable booking agents will only request your deposit when you have received a firm confirmation from your artist. The deposit is used in tandem with a contract that outlines any and all expectations from both parties to lock in your event.
Review your contract
Make sure your contract plainly outlines all expectations from you and from your hired talent. Documentation is essential to filing police reports and lawsuits should you become involved with a scam. And with any legitimate business deal written confirmation is critical to ensuring a successful event and no roadblocks.

To ensure you avoid a fraudulent business and get the most out of your event, remember to book with Celebrity Talent International!
Here at Celebrity Talent International, founder Glenn Richardson and agents like Kerin McGibben and Emily Blumen are dedicated to bringing you a wonderfully smooth and hassle free experience when booking talent for your next event. We ensure you get the best prices and do not get swindled by agents working for the talent. We work for you, so your best interest is our priority.

Learn More on our Celebrity Talent International Consumer Advocacy Portal.

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American Cancer Society booked Dwight Yoakam

All was GREAT!! (We) got to spend some time with Dwight in his bus and he was really great to talk to and very generous. He wanted to know if there was anything he could donate to the event and he donated some signs and autographed them. He couldn't have been nicer during the photo op...

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